Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor as a pharmacological target in lung cancer
Kononenko V, Bele T, Novak S, Križaj I, Drobne D, Turk T.
[ site ] Acta Biologica
Defining quality criteria for nanoplastic hazard evaluation : the case of polystyrene nanoplastics and aquatic invertebrate Daphnia spp.
Jemec Kokalj A, Heinlaan M, Novak S, Drobne D, Kühnel D.
[ site ] Nanomaterials
Antibacterial and degradation properties of dialdehyded and aminohexamethylated nanocelluloses
Kokol V, Novak S, Kononenko V, Kos M, Vivod V, Gunde-Cimerman N, Drobne D
[ site ] Carbohydrate polymers
Modulation of chlorpyrifos toxicity to soil arthropods by simultaneous exposure to polyester microfibers or tire particle microplastics
Selonen, S, Jemec Kokalj, A, Benguedouar, H, Alavian P., Dolar, A, Drobne, D, Cornelis a. m. van Gestel
[ site ] Applied soil ecology

Effects of microplastics from disposable medical masks on terrestrial invertebrates
Jemec Kokalj A, Dolar A, Drobne D, Škrlep Š, Sever Škapin A, Marolt G, Nagode A, A.M. van Gestel Cornelis
[ site ] Journal of Hazardous Materials
Long-term interactions between microplastics and floating macrophyte Lemna minor:the potential for phytoremediation of microplastics in the aquatic environment
Rozman U, Jemec Kokalj A, Dolar A, Drobne D, Kalčíková G
[ site ] Science of the total environment
Time-course of the innate immune response of the terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber after injection of a single dose of lipopolysaccharide
Dolar, A, Jemec Kokalj, A, Drobne, D
[ site ] Frontiers in immunology
Screening of NaCl salinity sensitivity across eight species of subterranean amphipod genus Niphargus
Jemec Kokalj A, Fišer Ž, Dolar A., Novak S, Drobne D, Bračko G, Fišer C
[ site ] Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Time-dependent immune response in Porcellio scaber following exposure to microplastics and natural particles
Dolar A, Drobne D, Dolenec M., Marinšek M, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Science of the Total Environment
Tire microplastics exposure in soil induces changes in expression profile of immune-related genes in terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber
Dolar A, Drobne D, Narat M, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ]
Environmental hazard of polypropylene microplastics from disposable medical masks : acute toxicity towards Daphnia magna and current knowledge on other polypropylene microplastics
Jemec Kokalj A, Dolar A, Drobne D, Marinšek M, Dolenec M, Škrlep Š, Strmljan G, Mušič, M, Sever Škapin A,
[ site ] Microplastics and Nanoplastics

Quality of nanoplastics and microplastics ecotoxicity studies : refining quality criteria for nanomaterial studies
Jemec Kokalj A, Hartmann NB., Drobne D, Potthoff A, Kühnel D
[ site ] Journal of hazardous materials
Effects of bioinsecticidal aegerolysin-based cytolytic complexes on non-target organisms
Panevska A, Glavan G, Jemec Kokalj A, Kukuljan V, Trobec T, Žužek MC, Vrecl M, Drobne D, Frangež R, Sepčić K
[ site ] Toxins
Stem cells of aquatic invertebrates as an advanced tool for assessing ecotoxicological impacts
Rosner A, Armengaud J, Ballarin L, Barnay-Verdier S, Cima F, Varela Coelho A, Domart-Coulon I, Drobne D, Geneviere A, Jemec Kokalj A, Kotlarska E, Ramšak A
[ site ] Science of the total environment
Biocompatibility study of a new dental cement based on hydroxyapatite and calcium silicates : focus on liver, kidney, and spleen tissue effects
Paraš S, Trišić D, Mitrović Ajtić O, Antonijević Đ, čolović B, Drobne D, Jokanovič V
[ site ] International journal of molecular sciences
Formation and evolution of the nanoparticle environmental corona : the case of au and humic acid
Barbero F, Mayall C, Drobne D, Saiz-Poseu J, Bastus NG, Puntes V
[ site ] Science of the total environment
Stressor-dependant changes in immune parameters in the terrestrial isopod crustacean, Porcellio scaber
Mayall C, Dolar A, Jemec Kokalj A, Drobne D
[ site ] Nanomaterials
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) impair LPS-driven immune responses by promoting a tolerogenic-like dendritic cell phenotype with altered endosomal structures
Michelini S, Barbero F, Prinelli A, Steiner P, Weiss R, Verwanger T, Andosch A, Lütz-Meindls U, Puntes VF, Drobne D, Duschl A, Horejs-Hoeck J
[ site ] Nanoscale
Long term exposure to virgin and recycled LDPE microplastics induced minor effects in the freshwater and terrestrial crustaceans Daphnia magna and Porcellio scaber
Jemec Kokalj A, Dolar A, Titova J, Visnapuu M, Škrlep L, Drobne D, Vija H, Kisand V, Heinlaan M
[ site ] Polymers
Functional and morphological changes induced in Mytilus hemocytes by selected nanoparticles
Auguste M, Mayall C, Barbero F, Hočevar M, Alberti S, Grassi G, Puntes VF, Drobne D, Canesi L
[ site ] Nanomaterials
Microplastics, chlorpyrifos and their mixtures modulate immune processes in the terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber
Dolar A, Drobne D, Dolenec M, Marinšek M, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Science of the total environment
Time-dependent immune response in Porcellio scaber following exposure to microplastics and natural particles
Dolar A, Drobne D, Dolenec M, Marinšek M, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Science of the total environment
Exploring the impacts of microplastics and associated chemicals in the terrestrial environment : exposure of soil invertebrates to tire particles
Selonen S, Dolar A, Jemec Kokalj A, Sackey LNA, Skalar T, Cruz Fernandes V, Rede D, Delerue-Matos C, Hurley R, Nizzetto L, Gestel CAM
[ site ] Environmental research : multidisciplinary journal of environmental sciences, ecology, and public health
Decrease in cellular nanovesicles concentration in blood of athletes more than 15 hours after marathon
Jan Z, Drab M, Drobne D, Bedina Zavec A, Benčina M, Drašler B, Hočevar M, Krek JL, Pađen L, Pajnič M, Repar N, Šimunič B, Štukelj R, Kralj-Iglič V
[ site ] International journal of nanomedicine
Immune system in crustaceans : a presentation of research with terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber
Dolar A, Drobne D, Kostanjšek R, Jemec Kokalj A
Acta biologica slovenica

Comparative biokinetics of pristine and sulfidized Ag nanoparticles in two arthropod species exposed to different field soils
Talaber I, GesteL C.A.M. van, Jemec Kokalj A, Marolt G, Novak S, Zidar P, Drobne D
[ site ] Environmental science Nano
Modulations of immune parameters caused by bacterial and viral infections in the terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber : implications for potential markers in environmental research.
Dolar A, Kostanjšek R, Mayall C, Drobne D, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Developmental & Comparative Immunology
The interaction between the osteosarcoma cell and stainless steel surface, modified by high-fluence, nanosecond laser pulses
Hočevar M, Šetina B, Godec M, Kononenko V, Drobne D, Gregorčič P
[ site ] Surface & coatings technology
Stem cells and innate immunity in aquatic invertebrates : bridging two seemingly disparate disciplines for new discoveries in biology
Ballarin L, Karahan A, Salvetii A, Rossi L, Manni L, Rinkevich B, Rosner A, Voskoboynik A, Rosental B, Canesi L, Anselmi C, Pinsino A, Tohumcu BE, Jemec Kokalj A, Dolar A, Novak S, Sugni M, Corsi I, Drobne D
[ site ] Frontiers in immunology
Comparison of sublethal effects of natural acaricides carvacrol and thymol on honeybees
Glavan G, Novak S, Božič J, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Pesticide biochemistry and physiology
Addressing nanomaterial immunosafety by evaluating innate immunity across living species
Boraschi D, Alijagic A, Auguste M, Drobne D
[ site ] Small
An environmental concentration of aged microplastics with adsorbed silver significantly affects aquatic organisms
Kalčíková G, Skalar T, Marolt G, Jemec Kokalj
[ site ] Water Research
The gut barrier and the fate of engineered nanomaterials: a view from comparative physiology
van der Zande M, Jemec Kokalj A, Spurgeon DJ, Loureiro S, Silva PV, Khodaparast Z,... van Gestel CA
[ site ] Environmental Science: Nano
Probing the immune responses to nanoparticles across environmental species : a perspective of the EU Horizon 2020 project PANDORA
Pinsino A, Bastus NG, Busquets-Fite M, Canesi L, Cesaroni P, Drobne D, Duschl A, Ewart MA, Gispert I, Horejs-Hoeck J
[ site ] Environmental Science: Nano
Exploring the impacts of plastics in soil : the effects of polyester textile fibers on soil invertebrates
Selonen S, Dolar A, Jemec Kokalj A, Skalar T, Parramon Dolcet L, Hurley R, Gestel Cornelis a. m. van.
[ site ] Science of The Total Environment
The quality of Slovenian chestnut honey and its specific properties relevant for medical application and functional nutrition = Kakovost slovenskega kostanjevega medu in njegove poznane lastnosti v prid medicinski uporabi in za funkcionalno prehrano
Božič J, Bertoncelj J, Drobne D, Glavan G, Gunde-Cimerman N, Leonardi A, Kopinč R, Jemec Kokalj A, Novak S, Korošec M, Križaj I, Podrižnik B, Turk M, Zabret A
Acta biologica slovenica

Avoidance behaviour of isopods (Porcellio scaber) exposed to food or soil contaminated with Ag-and CeO2 nanoparticles
Zidar P, Kos M, Ilič E, Marolt G, Drobne D, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Applied Soil Ecology
First evidence of cholinesterase-like activity in Basidiomycota
Sepčić K, Sabotič J, A Ohm R, Drobne D, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] PloS one
Tools and rules for modelling uptake and bioaccumulation of nanomaterials in invertebrate organisms
Van Den Brink NW, Jemec Kokalj A, Silva PV, Lahive E, Norrfors K, Baccaro M, Drobne D... Lofts S
[ site ] Environmental Science: Nano
The first comprehensive safety study of Magnéli phase titanium suboxides reveals no acute environmental hazard
Jemec Kokalj A, Novak S, Talaber I, Kononenko V, Bizjak Mali L, Vodovnik M, Žegura B, Eleršek T, Kalčíková G, Žgajnar Gotvajn A, Kralj S, Makovec D, Čaloudova H, Drobne D
[ site ] Environmental science Nano
An exploratory ecotoxicity study of primary microplastics versus aged in natural waters and wastewaters
Jemec Kokalj A, Kuehnel D, Puntar B, Gotvajn AŽ, Kalčikova G
[ site ] Environmental Pollution

Comparative study of superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic TiO2/epoxy coatings on AISI 316L stainless steeel : surface properties and biocompatibility
Kocijan A, Conradi M, Hočevar M, Drobne D
[ site ] Materiali in tehnologije
Energy reserves in the water louse Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda, Crustacea) from surface and cave populations:seasonal and spatial dynamics
Zidar P, Škufca D, Prevorčnik S, Kalčíková G, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Fundamental and applied limnology
The biological fate of silver nanoparticles from a methodological perspective
Drobne D, Novak S, Talaber I, Lynch I, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Materials
The use of multiwell culture plates in the duckweed toxicity test:a case study on Zn nanoparticles
Kalčíková G, Marolt G, Jemec Kokalj A, Žgajnar Gotvajn A
[ site ] New Biotechnology
The significance of nanomaterial post-exposure responses in Daphnia magna standard acute immobilisation assay : example with testing TiO2 nanoparticles.
Novak S, Jemec Kokalj A, Hočevar S, Godec M, Drobne D
[ site ] Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Complex role of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the trophic transfer of arsenic from Nannochloropsis maritima to Artemia salina nauplii
Yang F, Zeng L, Luo Z, Wang Z, Huang F, Wang Q, Drobne D, Yan C
[ site ] Aquatic toxicology
How cancer cells attach to urinary bladder epithelium in vivo : study of the early stages of tumorigenesis in an orthotopic mouse bladder tumor model
Erman A, Kapun G, Novak S, Pavlin M, Dražić G, Drobne D, Veranič P
[ site ] Histochemistry and cell biology
Integration of behavioral tests and biochemical biomarkers of terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) is a promising methodology for testing environmental safety of chars
Madžarić S, Kos M, Drobne D, Hočevar M, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Environmental pollution
Different response of acetylcholinesterases in salt- and detergent-soluble fractions of honeybee haemolymph, head and thorax after exposure to diazinon
Glavan G, Kos M, Božič J, Drobne D, Sabotič J, Jemec Kokalj A
[ site ] Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
The in vivo effects of silver nanoparticles on terrestrial isopods, Porcellio scaber, depend on a dynamic interplay between shape, size and nanoparticle dissolution properties
Novak S, Romih T, Drašler B, Birarda G, Vaccari L, Ferraris P, Sorieul S, Zieba M, Sebastian V, Arruebo M, Hočevar S.B., Jemec Kokalj A, Drobne D
Screening study of four environmentally relevant microplastic pollutants : uptake and effects on Daphnia magna and Artemia franciscana
Jemec Kokalj A, Kunej U, Skalar T
[ site ] Chemosphere
Silver nanoparticles induce neurotoxicity in a human embryonic stem cell-derived neuron and astrocyte network
Repar N, Li H, Aguilar JS, Li QQ, Drobne D, Hong Y
[ site ] Nanotoxicology

Foliar surface free energy affects platinum nanoparticle adhesion, uptake, and translocation from leaves to roots in arugula and escarole
Kranjc E, Mazej D, Regvar M, Drobne D, Remškar M
[ site ] Environmental Science: Nano
Plastic bag and facial cleanser derived microplastic do not affect feeding behaviour and energy reserves of terrestrial isopods
Jemec Kokalj A, Horvat P, Skalar T, Kržan A
[ site ] Science of The Total Environment
Cerium(IV) oxide nanoparticles induce sublethal changes in honeybees after chronic exposure
Kos M, Jemec A, Glavan G, Marolt G, Zidar P, Božič J, Novak S, Drobne D
[ site ] Environmental Science: Nano
Impact of polyethylene microbeads on the floating freshwater plant duckweed Lemna minor
Kalčíková G, Žgajnar Gotvajn A, Kladnik A, Jemec A
[ site ] Environmental Pollution
Phototoxicity of Mesoporous TiO2 + Gd Microbeads With Theranostic Potential
Kononenko V, Imani R, Repar N, Benčina M, Lorenzetti M, Erman A, Drobne D, Iglič A
[ site ] Advances in Biomembranes and Lipid Self-Assembly
Comparative study of acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferase activities of closely related cave and surface Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda: Crustacea)
Jemec A, Škufca D, Prevorčnik S, Fišer Ž, Zidar P
[ pdf ] [ site ] PLOS ONE
Harmful at non-cytotoxic concentrations: SiO2-SPIONs affect surfactant metabolism and lamellar body biogenesis in A549 human alveolar epithelial cells
Kononenko V, Erman A, Petan T, Križaj I, Kralj S, Makovec D, Drobne D
[ site ] Nanotoxicology
Multifunctional Gadolinium-Doped Mesoporous TiO2 Nanobeads: Photoluminescence, Enhanced Spin Relaxation, and Reactive Oxygen Species Photogeneration, Beneficial for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Imani R, Dillert R, Bahnemann BW, Pazoki M, Apih T, Kononenko V, Repar N, Kralj-Iglič V, Boschloo G, Drobne D, Edvinsson T, Iglič A
[ site ] Small
Feeding Preference and Sub-chronic Effects of ZnO Nanomaterials in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera carnica)
Glavan G, Milivojević T, Božič J, Sepčić K, Drobne D
[ site ] Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber: comparison of CeO2 biological potential with other nanoparticles
Malev O, Trebše P, Piecha M, Novak S, Budič B, Dramićanin MD, Drobne D
[ site ] Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Four decades of multidisciplinary studies on isopods: a tribute to Pavel Ličar
Bogataj U, Drobne D, Jemec A, Kostanjšek R, Mrak P, Novak S, Prevorčnik S, Sket B, Trontelj P, Tušek Žnidarič M, Vittori M, Zidar P, Žnidaršič N, Štrus J
[ pdf ] [ site ] Acta Biologica Slovenica
Uptake and effects of microplastic textile fibers on freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna
Jemec A, Horvat P, Kunej U, Bele M, Kržan A
[ site ] Environmental Pollution
Chronic exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles increases ischemic-reperfusion injuries in isolated rat hearts
Milivojević T, Drobne D, Romih T, Bizjak-Mali L, Marin I, Lunder M, Drevenšek G
[ site ] Journal of Nanoparticle Research
In field conditions, commercial pigment grade TiO2 was not harmful to terrestrial isopods but reduced leaf litter fragmentation
Jemec A, Kos M, Drobne D, Koponen IK, Vukić J, Ferreira NGC, Loureiro S, McShane HVA
[ pdf ] [ site ] Science of the Total Environment
Bismuth film electrode for measuring Zn(II) under less acidic conditions in the presence of cell culture medium and ZnO nanoparticles
Romih T, Hočevar SB, Kononenko V, Drobne D
[ site ] Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
The role of PVP in the bioavailability of Ag from the PVP-stabilized Ag nanoparticle suspension
Romih T, Jemec A, Kos M, Hočevar SB, Kralj S, Makovec D, Drobne D
[ site ] Environmental Pollution
Gold nanoparticles do not induce adverse effects on terrestrial isopods Porcellio scaber after 14-day exposure
Škarková P, Romih T, Kos M, Novak S, Kononenko V, Jemec A, Vávrová M, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Acta Biologica Slovenica
No chronic effects on biochemical biomarkers, feeding and survival of carnolian honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica) after exposure to nanosized carbon black and titanium dioxide
Jemec A, Milivojević T, Drobne D, Sepčić K, Božič J, Glavan G
[ pdf ] [ site ] Acta Biologica Slovenica
Multilaboratory evaluation of 15 bioassays for (eco)toxicity screening and hazard ranking of engineered nanomaterials: FP7 project NANOVALID
Bondarenko OM, Heinlaan M, Sihtmäe M, Ivask A, Kurvet I, Joonas E, Jemec A, Mannerström M, Heinonen T, Rekulapelly R, Singh S, Zou J, Pyykkö I, Drobne D, Kahru A
[ site ] Nanotoxicology
Chapter 12: Biological Characterization of Nanomaterials
Jemec A, Mesarič T, Sopotnik M, Sepčić K, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nanomaterial Characterization: An Introduction
Effects of food salinization on terrestrial crustaceans Porcellio scaber
Škarková P, Kos M, Drobne D, Vávrová M, Jemec A
[ pdf ] [ site ] Applied Soil Ecology
A novel approach to the measurement of surfactant parameters in arthropod digestive juices
Romih T, Kogej K, Drobne D
[ site ] Journal of Insect Physiology
A case study to optimise and validate the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana immobilisation assay with silver nanoparticles: The role of harmonisation
Kos M, Kahru A, Drobne D, Singh S, Kalčíková G, Kühnel D, Rekulapelly R, Žgajnar Gotvajn A, Jemec A
[ site ] Environmental Pollution
An interlaboratory comparison of nanosilver characterisation and hazard identification: Harmonising techniques for high quality data
Jemec A, Kahru A, Potthoff A, Drobne D, Heinlaan M, Böhme S, Geppert M, Novak S, Schirmer K, Rekulapally R, Singh S, Aruoja V, Sihtmäe M, Juganson K, Käkinen A, Kühnel D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environment International
Bismuth film electrode for anodic stripping voltammetric measurement of silver nanoparticle dissolution
Romih T, Hočevar SB, Jemec A, Drobne D
[ site ] Electrochimica Acta
Citation analysis and mapping of nanoscience and nanotechnology: identifying the scope and interdisciplinarity of research
Stopar K, Drobne D, Eler K, Bartol T
[ site ] Scientometrics

Application of Cost-Effective Biological Tools for Assessing of Chemical Poisoning
Malev O, Sauerborn Klobučar R, Tišler T, Drobne D, Trebše P
[ site ] Nanotechnology to Aid Chemical and Biological Defense. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology
Proteomic analyses of early response of unicellular eukaryotic microorganism Tetrahymena thermophila exposed to TiO2 particles
Rajapakse K, Drobne D, Kastelec D, Kogej K, Makovec D, Gallampois C, Amelina H, Danielsson G, Fanedl L, Marinšek-Logar R, Cristobal S
[ site ] Nanotoxicology
Effect of carbon black nanomaterial on canine erythrocyte and platelet shape
Krek JL, Šimundić M, Drab M, Pajnič M, Šuštar V, Štukelj R, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V
[ site ] Slovenian Veterinary Research
FTIR microscopy reveals distinct biomolecular profile of crustacean digestive glands upon subtoxic exposure to ZnO nanoparticles
Romih T, Jemec A, Novak S, Vaccari L, Ferraris P, Šimon M, Kos M, Susič R, Kogej K, Zupanc J, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nanotoxicology
Nanoparticle interaction with the immune system
Kononenko V, Narat M, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
Comparative study of serum protein binding to three different carbon-based nanomaterials
Sopotnik M, Leonardi A, Križaj I, Dušak P, Makovec D, Mesarič T, Poklar Ulrih N, Junkar I, Sepčić K, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Carbon
Sperm exposure to carbon-based nanomaterials causes abnormalities in early development of purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus)
Mesarič T, Sepčić K, Drobne D, Makovec D, Faimali M, Morgana S, Falugi C, Gambardella C
[ pdf ] [ site ] Aquatic Toxicology
High surface adsorption properties of carbon-based nanomaterials are responsible for mortality, swimming inhibition, and biochemical responses in Artemia salina larvae
Mesarič T, Gambardella C, Milivojević T, Faimali M, Drobne D, Falugi C, Makovec D, Jemec A, Sepčić K
[ pdf ] [ site ] Aquatic Toxicology
Altered physiological conditions of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber as a measure of subchronic TiO2 effects
Menard A, Drobne D, Novak A
[ site ] Protoplasma
The hazard assessment of nanostructured CeO2-based mixed oxides on the zebrafish Danio rerio under environmentally relevant UV-A exposure
Jemec A, Djinović P, Osojnik Črnivec IG, Pintar A
[ pdf ] [ site ] Science of The Total Environment
Elemental distribution and sample integrity comparison of freeze-dried and frozen-hydrated biological tissue samples with nuclear microprobe
Vavpetič P, Vogel-Mikuš K, Jeromel L, Potočnik Ogrinc N, Pongrac P, Drobne D, Pipan Tkalec Ž, Novak S, Kos M, Koren Š, Regvar M, Pelicon P
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
The impact of humic acid on chromium phytoextraction by aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor
Kalčíková G, Zupančič M, Jemec A, Žgajnar Gotvajn A
[ site ] Chemosphere
Neurotoxic potential of ingested ZnO nanomaterials on bees
Milivojević T, Glavan G, Božič J, Sepčić K, Mesarič T, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere
Reference values for feeding parameters of isopods (Porcellio scaber, Isopoda, Crustacea)
Drobne D, Drobne S
[ pdf ] [ site ] ZooKeys
The effects of engineered nanoparticles on the cellular structure and growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bayat N, Rajapakse K, Marinšek-Logar R, Drobne D, Cristobal S
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nanotoxicology
Effects of selected metal oxide nanoparticles on Artemia salina larvae – evaluation of mortality and behavioural and biochemical responses
Gambardella C, Mesarič T, Milivojević T, Sepčić K, Gallus L, Carbone S, Ferrando S, Faimali M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Oxidative potential of ultraviolet-A irradiated or nonirradiated suspensions of titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide nanoparticles on Allium cepa roots
Dolenc Koce J, Drobne D, Klančnik K, Makovec D, Novak S, Hočevar M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
The toxic effect of oxytetracycline and trimethoprim in the aquatic environment
Kolar B, Arnuš L, Jeretin B, Gutmaher A, Drobne D, Kos Durjava M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere

Morphological responses to high sugar concentrations differ from adaptations to high salt concentrations in xerophilic fungi Wallemia spp.
Kralj Kunčič M, Zajc J, Drobne D, Pipan Tkalec Ž, Gunde-Cimerman N
[ site ] Fungal Biology
Effect of Ingested Tungsten Oxide (WOx) Nanofibers on Digestive Gland Tissue of Porcellio scaber – Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Imaging
Novak S, Drobne D, Vaccari L, Kiskinova M, Ferraris P, Birarda G, Remškar M, Hočevar M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Science & Technology
Toxic effects of carbon-based nanomaterials on acetylcholynesterase: An experimental and computational investigation
Mesarič T, Baweja L, Drobne D, Makovec D, Dhawan A, Sepčić K
[ pdf ] [ site ] Toxicology Letters
Effects of nano carbon black and single-layer graphene oxide on settlement, survival and swimming behaviour of Amphibalanus amphitrite larvae
Mesarič T, Sepčič K, Piazza V, Gambardella C, Garaventa F, Drobne D, Faimali M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemistry and Ecology
Use of scanning electron microscopy to monitor nanofibre/cell interaction in digestive epithelial cells
Millaku A, Drobne D, Torkar M, Novak S, Remškar M, Pipan-Tkalec Ž
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Hazardous Materials
Cellular Internalization of Dissolved Cobalt Ions from Ingested CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles: In Vivo Experimental Evidence
Novak S, Drobne D, Golobič M, Zupanc J, Romih T, Gianoncelli A, Kiskinova M, Kaulich B, Pelicon P, Vavpetič P, Jeromel L, Ogrinc N, Makovec D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Science & Technology
An in vivo invertebrate bioassay of Pb, Zn and Cd stabilization in contaminated soil
Udovič M, Drobne D, Leštan D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere

Upon Exposure to Cu Nanoparticles, Accumulation of Copper in the Isopod Porcellio scaber Is Due to the Dissolved Cu Ions Inside the Digestive Tract
Golobič M, Jemec A, Drobne D, Romih T, Kasemets K, Kahru A
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Science & Technology
Experimental evidence of false-positive Comet test results due to TiO2 particle – assay interactions
Rajapakse K, Drobne D, Kastelec D, Marinšek-Logar R
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nanotoxicology
Acclimation of Tetrahymena thermophila to bulk and nano-TiO2 particles by changes in membrane fatty acids saturation
Rajapakse K, Drobne D, Valant J, Vodovnik M, Levart M, Marinšek-Logar R
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Hazardous Materials
Effect of ingested titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the digestive gland cell membrane of terrestrial isopods
Valant J, Drobne D, Novak S
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere
Cell membrane integrity and internalization of ingested TiO2 nanoparticles by digestive gland cells of a terrestrial isopod
Novak S, Drobne D, Valant J, Pipan-Tkalec Ž, Pelicon P, Vavpetič P, Grlj N, Falnoga I, Mazej D, Remškar M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Prolonged feeding of terrestrial isopod (Porcellio scaber, Isopoda, Crustacea) on TiO2 nanoparicles. Absence of toxic effect
Novak S, Drobne D, Menard A
[ pdf ] [ site ] ZooKeys
Internalization of Consumed TiO2 Nanoparticles by a Model Invertebrate Organism
Novak S, Drobne D, Valant J, Pelicon P
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Nanomaterials
Biological reactivity of TiO2 nanoparticles assessed by ex vivo testing
Valant J and Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Protoplasma
The importance of a validated standard methodology to define in vitro toxicity of nano-TiO2
Valant J, Iavicoli I, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Protoplasma
Assessment of landfill leachate toxicity reduction after biological treatment
Jemec A, Tišler T, Žgajnar Gotvajn A
[ site ] Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Micro-PIXE study of Ag in digestive glands of a nano-Ag fed arthropod
Pipan-Tkalec Ž, Drobne D, Vogel-Mikuš K, Pongrac P, Regvar M, Štrus J, Pelicon P, Vavpetič P, Grlj N, Remškar M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Markov Random Field Model for Segmenting Large Populations of Lipid Vesicles from Micrographs
Zupanc J, Drobne D, Ster B
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Liposome Research
Ecotoxicity of nanosized TiO2. Review of in vivo data
Menard A, Drobne D, Jemec A
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Pollution
Biological Reactivity of Nanoparticles: Mosaics from Optical Microscopy Videos of Giant Lipid Vesicles
Zupanc J, Drobne D, Erdogmus D, Bas E, Valant J, Dobnikar A
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Biomedical Optics
Use of a modified Allium test with nano TiO2
Klančnik K, Drobne D, Valant J, Dolenc Koce J
[ pdf ] [ site ] Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Long-term Hg pollution-induced structural shifts of bacterial community in the terrestrial isopod (Porcellio scaber) gut
Lapanje A, Zrimec A, Drobne D, Rupnik M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Pollution
Zinc bioaccumulation in a terrestrial invertebrate fed a diet treated with particulate ZnO or ZnCl2
Pipan-Tkalec Ž, Drobne D, Jemec A, Romih T, Zidar P, Bele M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Toxicology
Surface characteristics of isopod digestive gland epithelium studied by SEM
Millaku A, Lešer V, Drobne D, Godec M, Torkar M, Jenko M, Milani M, Tatti F
[ pdf ] [ site ] Protoplasma
A new approach to analyse effects of nanoparticles on lipid vesicles
Zupanc J, Valant J, Drobne D, Kralj-Iglič V, Iglič A
[ pdf ] [ site ] International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Focused ion beam (FIB)/scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in tissue structural research
Lešer V, Milani M, Tatti F, Pipan Tkalec Ž, Štrus J, Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Protoplasma
Morphological Response of the Halophilic Fungal Genus Wallemia to High Salinity
Kralj Kunčič M, Kogej T, Drobne D, Gunde Cimerman N
[ site ] Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Toxicity of abamectin to the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
Kolar L, Jemec A, van Gestel CAM, Valant J, Hrženjak R, Kožuh Eržen N, Zidar P
[ pdf ] [ site ] Ecotoxicology

Isopod gut microflora parameters as endpoints in toxicity studies
Drobne D, Rupnik M, Lapanje A, Štrus J, Janc M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Hazardous potential of manufactured nanoparticles identified by in vivo assay
Valant J, Drobne D, Sepčić K, Jemec A, Kogej K, Kostanjšek R
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Hazardous Materials
Bioaccumulation in Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda) as a measure of the EDTA remediation efficiency of metal-polluted soil
Udovič M, Drobne D, Leštan D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Pollution
In vivo screening to determine hazards of nanoparticles: Nanosized TiO2
Drobne D, Jemec A, Pipan-Tkalec Ž
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Pollution
Comparison of different preparation methods of biological samples for FIB milling and SEM investigation
Lešer V, Drobne D, Pipan Ž, Milani M, Tatti F
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Microscopy

Effects of ingested nano-sized titanium dioxide on terrestrial isopods (Porcellio scaber)
Jemec A, Drobne D, Remškar M, Sepčić K, Tišler T
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Epithelial thickness and lipid droplets in the hepatopancreas of Porcellio scaber (Crustacea: Isopoda) in different physiological conditions
Lešer V, Drobne D, Vilhar B, Kladnik A, Žnidaršič N, Štrus J
[ pdf ] [ site ] Zoology
Toxicity of imidacloprid to the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
Drobne D, Blažič M, Van Gestel CAM, Lešer V, Zidar P, Jemec A, Trebše P
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere
Long-term Hg pollution induced Hg tolerance in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
Lapanje A, Drobne D, Nolde N, Valant J, Hubad B, Lešer V, Rupnik M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Pollution

Imaging of intracellular spherical lamellar structures and tissue gross morphology by a focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM)
Drobne D, Milani M, Lešer V, Tatti F, Zrimec A, Žnidaršič N, Kostanjšek R, Štrus J
[ pdf ] [ site ] Ultramicroscopy
The applicability of acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferase in Daphnia magna toxicity test
Jemec A, Drobne D, Tišler T, Trebše P, Roš M, Sepčić K
[ pdf ] [ site ] Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
Biochemical biomarkers in chronically metal-stressed daphnids
Jemec A, Tišler T, Drobne D, Sepčić K, Jamnik P, Roš M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology
Surface damage induced by FIB milling and imaging of biological samples is controllable
Drobne D, Milani M, Lešer V, Tatti F
[ pdf ] [ site ] Microscopy Research and Technique
Comparative toxicity of imidacloprid, of its commercial liquid formulation and of diazinon to a non-target arthropod, the microcrustacean Daphnia magna
Jemec A, Tišler T, Drobne D, Sepčić K, Fournier D, Trebše P
[ pdf ] [ site ] Chemosphere

Focused ion beam manipulation and ultramicroscopy of unprepared cells
Milani M and Drobne D
[ pdf ] [ site ] Scanning
Focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy studies of Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) digestive gland epithelium cells
Drobne D, Milani M, Zrimec A, Berden Zrimec M, Tatti F, Drašlar K
[ pdf ] [ site ] Scanning
Lysosomal membrane stability in laboratory- and field-exposed terrestrial isopods Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
Nolde N, Drobne D, Valant J, Padovan I, Horvat M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Reduction and methylation of mercury in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) and its environment
Nolde N, Drobne D, Horvat M, Jereb V
[ pdf ] [ site ] Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Electron and ion imaging of gland cells using the FIB/SEM system
Drobne D, Milani M, Zrimec A, Lešer V, Berden Zrimec M
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Microscopy

Focused ion beam for microscopy and in situ sample preparation: application on a crustacean digestive system
Drobne D, Milani M, Ballerini M, Zrimec A, Berden Zrimec M, Tatti F, Drašlar K
[ pdf ] [ site ] Journal of Biomedical Optics

Transformations of mercury in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea)
Jereb V, Horvat M, Drobne D, Pihlar B
[ pdf ] [ site ] Science of The Total Environment
Biotechnical Faculty
University of Ljubljana
Večna pot 111
1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 320 3375
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Bionanoteam is a research group at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
Founded in 2008 by Prof. Damjana Drobne, Bionanoteam currently consists of 3 experienced researchers, 2 PhD candidates, 1 technical assistant and a number of graduate and undergraduate students. Damjana is a Professor of Zoology and Professor of Toxicology from University of Ljubljana. With over twenty years of research experience, she is the founder and principal investigator of Bionanoteam.